Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

  • 24 Pink Carnation Bouquet

A bouquet of 24 pink carnations, elegantly presented in pink paper with premium packing, creates a stunning and sophisticated presentation! Pink carnations symbolize admiration, gratitude, and affection, making them a perfect choice for expressing heartfelt sentiments.

Wrapped in pink paper with premium packing, such as a stylish box or adorned with elegant ribbons, this arrangement adds an extra layer of refinement and luxury to the gift. The pink paper complements the soft hues of the carnations, creating a cohesive and visually striking bouquet.

This bouquet is perfect for various occasions, from birthdays and anniversaries to expressions of love or appreciation. Whether it's to convey your feelings to someone special or to brighten their day with a beautiful and thoughtful gesture, a bouquet of 24 pink carnations in pink paper with premium packing is sure to make a memorable and heartfelt gift.

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24 Pink Carnation Bouquet

Buds and Florets Studio
2024-10-26 INR
  • 799


  • Ex Tax:Rs799
  • Price in reward points:1000