Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

  • 12 Carnations With Greens Bouquet

A Carnations With Greens Bouquet elegantly wrapped in cellophane packing offers a charming and classic presentation. Carnations, known for their longevity and diverse colors, are complemented by lush green foliage, adding texture and depth to the arrangement.

The transparent cellophane packing allows the vibrant colors of the carnations and the rich greenery to shine through, creating a visually stunning display. This presentation is perfect for various occasions, from birthdays to celebrations, where you want to convey joy and appreciation.

Whether it's to express love, gratitude, or congratulations, a Carnations With Greens Bouquet in cellophane packing is a stylish and timeless gift choice that is sure to brighten the recipient's day.

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12 Carnations With Greens Bouquet

Buds and Florets Studio
2024-10-25 INR
  • 699


  • Ex Tax:Rs699
  • Price in reward points:1000