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  • 18 Red Roses Arm Bouquet

An arm bouquet featuring 18 red roses creates a striking and romantic display! Red roses are iconic symbols of love, passion, and romance, making them the perfect choice for expressing deep affection and heartfelt emotions.

An arm bouquet, also known as a presentation bouquet, is designed to be held gracefully in one arm, allowing the blooms to cascade naturally downward. With 18 red roses arranged in this manner, the bouquet creates a dramatic and elegant statement, perfect for special occasions such as weddings, engagements, or anniversary celebrations.

Whether you're walking down the aisle or presenting a bouquet to someone special, an arm bouquet of 18 red roses is sure to captivate and inspire awe, symbolizing enduring love and devotion.

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18 Red Roses Arm Bouquet

Buds and Florets Studio
2024-10-25 INR
  • 750


  • Ex Tax:Rs750
  • Price in reward points:1000